No Respect: Cause and Effect ... 
is the product of a peer education programme in which young people drew on their own experiences of anti-social behaviour to develop resources designed to influence their peers. 
Following a period of consultation and work-shopping, the group of 11 to 15 year-olds went on to collaborate with a team of professionals to create a multi-platform set of tools that incorporates traditional and digital media. 
Used in High School Citizenship and English classes, the tools encourage pupils to consider what anti-social behaviour is, what impact it has on individuals and communities, and how to combat it. 
About No Respect... 
What is the problem? 
Anti-social behaviour refers to virtually any intimidating or threatening activity that scares people or damages quality of life. From rowdy or yobbish behaviour to public drug dealing, it can take many different forms and be punished by a range of penalties including fines, injunctions and custodial sentences. 
In 2015/16 there were 3.6 million reports of anti-social behaviour, of which more than half were committed by young people. It is a growing problem in the UK and a major source of public concern. 
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