Sponsor Educational Resources  
Sponsor some Barney and Echo Books... 
The Barney and Echo "Caught in the Web" Educational Resources supports teachers and parents in addressing difficult subjects regarding staying safe online and the negative effects that cyber bullying has on others. 
We are looking for companies to help educate children on these issues by supporting a local school your area by sponsoring some of these amazing resources. 
We are sure that it won't have escaped your attention the problems in society surrounding the internet, highlighting the need to address these particularly concerning issues, which have become difficult subjects for many parents to discuss with children of this age. 
Included in the programme are teacher-friendly lesson plans and teacher guides, a selection of posters for the classroom that highlight key messages to serve as a daily reminder to the children. There is also a drama play script that the children can perform to parents and fellow students and also a new smart phone application called 'Dizzy Heights' - a fun interaction game that we have developed to support the children and parents at home. 
As a sponsor, your business details and company logo will be printed onto all of the resources used within the programme; you will also receive a laminated certificate which informs your customers that you are actively supporting community education projects in association with the Police Community Clubs. You will also have access to a press release which promotes your involvement in the programme through local newspapers - this will help to raise your profile in the local community as a community-focused business that is investing in the well-being of local children and long-term community cohesion. 
(Caught in the Web is supported by the UK Council for Child Internet Safety and The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) 
To contact us directly regarding sponsoring the resources or to get involved: please call 01244 344707 
or e-mail: sarah@barneyecho.co.uk 
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